Whoa, it's been a while. Looks like I need a little...Endust.
Sorry about that folks. We've had a very busy month, as usual. We took a trip to Columbia, MO to visit a friend from out of town. We stopped for lunch at Shakespeare's Pizza while there. Jules has teeth coming in. And we're getting some work done on the house soon; our basement leaks when it rains and so we're getting that fixed.
Also, Kathy and Jules will be heading up to visit Kathy's folks for a week starting next Sunday. I'll be meeting them the following Friday. This has the double purpose of Kathy helping her parents get ready for summer while getting Jules out of the house during loud construction projects.
And now, a flurry of pictures for your enjoyment.
The day of our Columbia Road Trip, it snowed. |
This is called a 'blabla' doll and Jules loves it for lunch. |
Amethyst goes outside maybe three times a year, always for a good brushing. |
This girl has some attitude. |
I want to eat this. Can I? |
No, we did not throw those flowers over her just for the picture... |
I love my weekends for moments like this. |
Okay, so she was getting a bit cranky because it was nap time. |
But we got her to a happy place. |
She also tried to eat this one, too. |
Post-nap happiness. |
Sweet profile! |
She loves her mama. |
She and I were both fascinated by the gazing ball. |
The sun was setting and it made the duck look like it was in a war film. |
My daughter likes The Beatles. She once fell asleep in my warms while I sang "Let it Be." |
Jules and Kathy bonding. |
Chillin' on the tree ring, bein' all cute. |
fabulous pictures. the kid's pretty fab too. :)